Basic Support Grants (BSG)
Due to budget limitations, the NAC is not considering new applicants to the Basic Support Grant Program at this time.
Provides annual general operating support to arts organizations across Nebraska that make important contributions to the vitality of our communities and cultural landscape of our state. Organizations must demonstrate excellent artistic, educational and cultural value, responsiveness to their community, credible planning and evaluation strategies, and a high level of financial and managerial accountability, including a history of successful NAC grantsmanship.
To be considered for BSG funding, arts organizations must first meet basic NAC eligibility criteria plus the following BSG criteria:
- Demonstrate three years of consecutive, successful grant writing and grant management with the NAC that exhibits cultural leadership within the community served, which includes evidence of collaboration with other organizations, strong board leadership, innovative outreach related to program goals, and relevant participation in broader community activities.
- Be an arts organization, dedicating 51% or more of its budget to producing or sponsoring arts events or to providing arts services.
- Have a budget of at least $50,000 that demonstrates a diversity of income from earned and unearned income sources, such as individuals, businesses, foundations, and government support.
- Schedule events on a year-round (not seasonal) basis. This generally includes two or more productions/presentations/exhibitions and two or more outreach activities to underserved audiences annually.
- Provide an independent audit or financial review. BSG organizations with budgets of $1,000,000 and above must submit an audit and continue to provide an independent audit every three years.
Process and Timeline:
- August 1: Deadline for a representative to set up a consultation with NAC staff, who will review funding options and eligibility criteria.
- October 1: Deadline for a Letter of Request to apply to the BSG category. Organizations must also submit a mission statement, strategic plan, annual list of activities, annual budget, and other documents for review. Based on a review of the letter and submitted materials, NAC will assess whether or not admission into the BSG category is in the best financial interest of the organization.
- December 1: Organization will be notified of eligibility for the March 1 BSG application deadline.
Grant Amounts:
Determined on a year-to-year basis based on budget size, available funding, and panel recommendations.
Note: The applicant must have enough cash to match all of the dollars requested.
Annual Series & Events Grants (ASE)
Program provides annual program support to organizations that produce and/or present the same event or series of arts events on a recurring basis. Organizations in this category must demonstrate consistent artistic, educational, and cultural value; responsiveness to their community; credible planning and evaluation strategies; and a high level of financial and managerial accountability, including a history of successful NAC grantsmanship.
ASE grants support single arts events or a series of arts events that are open to the general public in the state of Nebraska. A series may have multiple components, disciplines, and/or performances. Examples include exhibitions, performances, poetry readings, commissions, and/or support of new work development, arts festivals, community murals, and ethnic heritage projects.
ASE applicants must be pre-approved to apply. Organizations must:
- be incorporated in Nebraska for a minimum of three years prior to applying.
- have Federal tax-exempt status.
- produce and/or present the same event or series of events on a recurring basis.
- demonstrate a successful history of grant writing and management as a Project Grant for three consecutive years.
Note: All projects primarily targeting youth must apply as an Arts Learning Project or Artists in Schools/Communities grant.
Grant Amounts:
Determined on a year-to-year basis and based upon a fixed percentage of the series/event budget, available funding and NAC approval.
Annual Programs in Arts Learning (APAL)
APAL grants are available by invitation from NAC to support programs that have a successful grant history over the past three or more consecutive years in the Arts Learning Project Category. This program is designed for recurring Arts Learning projects with substantially similar goals and components from year to year.
APAL grants have a three-year cycle intended to streamline the application process for grantees and to ensure a stable funding stream over an extended period. During the interim years, exact grant award amounts may vary slightly, depending on NAC’s annual grant budget.
- During the initial year, each participating organization’s APAL grant request amount is based on the average of its Arts Learning Project grant awards over the previous three years. A grant review panel reviews and scores grants to determine annual funding amounts for the following three years.
- During years two and three, the applicant submits simplified interim APAL grant applications (e.g., letters of support and other supporting materials are not required during interim years). Grant applications are reviewed by NAC staff and annual grant awards remain the same as long as all guidelines are met and annual final reports are complete and accurate.
- In year four, if all prior annual requirements have been met and the grantee is continuing its annual arts learning program, NAC will invite the organization to apply again for the next three-year cycle. A full application is submitted for panel review, and grant awards for the next three-year cycle will be determined.
APAL grants are available by invitation from NAC for nonprofit organizations incorporated in Nebraska that are federally tax-exempt, public agencies, and sub-divisions of governmental agencies, including PreK-12 accredited schools.
March 15