1%for RFQ: Eastern Nebraska Veterans’ Home in Bellevue

RFQ Submission Deadline: November 3, 2024

Total Budget: $21,243

Click here for full Request for Qualifications and submission details

Eastern Nebraska Veterans’ Home (ENVH) is one of Nebraska’s four veterans’ homes across the state, and is located in Bellevue in the southeast part of Nebraska. The building has multiple different wings, known as Neighborhoods, which also include assisted living and skilled nurse care. The new Honor Neighborhood is part of an expansion project that includes 24 single-occupancy rooms with assisted living beds as well as space for a new Adult Day Health Care Medical Model program.

The Eastern Nebraska Veterans’ Home (ENVH) is home to Nebraska’s veterans, especially those who have families and lives in the south east part of the state. Several of those veterans are serving on this Committee and remarked on what they would like to see in the art of their new addition. The Committee is inspired and heartened by the idea of seeing artwork that honors the people who have served or are currently serving, both in their work and civilian life. They would like to see work that is uplifting and timeless, and imagery that residents can see or imagine themselves.

The Committee is seeking a mural, or a series of framed works for the space. There are two key spaces within the new Honor Neighborhood addition that are available for artists to use for this project. One space is right inside the entrance to the Honor Neighborhood, and the other space is near the Nurse Station, which overlooks the family rooms, where residents and their family and guests are welcome to feel at home. Artists may use one or both of these spaces to create a mural experience, large work(s), or a series of works.

In the Statement of Intent, artists should specify what spaces they envision using for their artwork, as well as a general idea of how they might use the space. Artists living in Nebraska that are within 100 miles of Bellevue are eligible. The Committee will prioritize artists who are a Veteran, are in active duty, or have a close connection to someone who is. Artists should also use the Statement of Intent to describe that connection, if applicable.

Selection Process

The Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home Selection Committee, in consultation with the NAC, has full oversight for the selection of an artist for this project. The committee reviews RFQ submissions on SlideRoom. Finalists will receive a presentation honorarium. Finalist presentations should include concept, design, detailed budget for the available funds, installation method, projected maintenance.


Professional public artists/teams are eligible who live within a 100 mile radius of Bellevue, NE, and are Nebraska residents.


A maximum of $21,243 allocated for this project.

All expenses for the selected design and commission are the responsibility of the artist/team, including but not limited to: travel/lodging, fabrication and supplies, installation expenses (as needed: engineering, lighting, rigging, equipment rental, etc).

Selection Criteria

Letter of Interest and clarity of conceptual approach. Evidence of skill in artist’s material and ability to complete projects from prior artwork.

Timeline *subject to change.

Sept 3, 2024                                        | RFQ posted on SlideRoom

Nov 3, 2024                                         | RFQ Deadline

Nov 13, 2024                                      | Finalists notified

Jan 22, 2025                                        | Finalist proposal presentations

Jan 24, 2025                                        | Selected artist notified

By January 2026                                | Artwork installation


Click here for full Request for Qualifications and submission details