RFQ Submission Deadline: January 6
Total Budget: $450,000
Project Description
The Westbrook Music Building is a facility within the Glenn Korff School of Music in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine & Performing Arts at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which is Nebraska’s only land-grant university. The Glenn Korff School of Music is a professional, comprehensive arts institution devoted to the advancement of music and dance, the preparation of the next generation of arts professionals, and service to the arts professions/institutions. It holds the following key values: collaborative, inclusive, and creative.
The Glenn Korff School of Music brings the world to Nebraska, and represents Nebraska to the world, by bringing together students from a wide diversity of backgrounds to develop their excitement, knowledge, expertise, and practice of music and dance. There are currently more than 400 students enrolled, with areas of study ranging from composition/history/theory, conducting, dance, jazz studies, music education, performance, and more. The Music/Dance Faculty consists of an outstanding array of internationally acclaimed artists and scholars who care deeply about their students and who work in close collaboration to serve the mission of the Glenn Korff School of Music. For more information about the Glenn Korff School of Music: https://arts.unl.edu/music
The new Westbrook Music Building will house an array of rehearsal rooms, practice rooms, the library, a performance space, classrooms, and faculty offices/studios. It is also located in close proximity to the Lied Center for Performing Arts, The Sheldon Museum of Art and its noteworthy outdoor sculpture garden.
- Rehearsal Room
- Small Practice Room
- Library
Site and Artwork Overview
This newly constructed Westbrook Music Building is located on the corner of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln city campus. The main entrance to the building is located at the corner of the campus that opens to downtown Lincoln. That entrance opens to four-story, light-filled hallway that leads into a lobby with an atrium. That Hallway and Lobby are the artwork site for this project and can be viewed from many different vantage points within the building.
The Committee would consider work that creates a cohesive experience by using the volume and span of the artwork site. The Committee envisions artwork that is striking and bold, and exemplifies the inherent nature, scholarship and/or curiosity of the research, studies, and creativity occurring in the Westbrook Music Building. In the submission, artists should include in the artist statement how they intend to use the artwork site.
The committee would consider many different types of public art interventions, including but not limited to installations and technological works. However, the ceiling in this space was not built to support artwork hanging from the ceiling. For artwork within 8 feet from the ground, the artwork can not extend past 4” to be ADA compliant. Artwork should use materials that are long lasting, and require simple cleaning/maintenance management.
Given the values of the Glenn Korff’s School Music, and in recognition of its status as a land-grant university, the Committee would like to invite students and faculty of the Glenn Korff School of Music to interact with the three finalists twice during the projected timeline. Applicants to this project must acknowledge and consent to the interactivity requested. The first interaction would be an informational meeting, which would take place in the time allotted for finalists to create their proposals, and would be a session where artists can interact with the people using the space for information about what they do and how they envision the space. The second interaction, which would take place during the proposal presentation meeting, would involve students and faculty listening to the finalist’s presentations to the Committee. The final deliberation and decision would be made by the Selection Committee, alone.
For more about the artwork site, please see the link, and the renderings on the following pages. For floor plans and elevations, us this link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zap17f11hgsu2z26xs1si/ANDkmrBJb-Cnc7_nfHD0LSs?rlkey=7h3t9x6j60y7rhl9igbewhpp9&e=2&st=rxq221yh&dl=0
- Floor plan for first floor. Green walls are artwork sites, with a focus on the 3-story hallway atrium, and the 2-story lobby as a secondary site.
- This 3-story Hallway Atrium is the prime artwork site for this project.
- First floor lobby, optional site for continuation of 3-story hallway installation.
Selection Process
The Westbrook Music Building Selection Committee, in consultation with NAC, has full oversight for the selection of an artist for this project. The Committee reviews RFQ submissions on SlideRoom. Professional public artists/teams within the U.S. are eligible. The Committee encourages all to apply, including those with historically marginalized backgrounds.
Finalists will receive a presentation honorarium ($3,000), and two travel stipends ($1,000 each, if applicable) to travel to Lincoln for an informational meeting during the proposal creation stage, and for the proposal presentation, both in front of the Selection Committee, and interested students and faculty. Finalist presentations should include concept, design, detailed budget for the available funds, installation method, projected maintenance.
A maximum of $450,000 is allocated for this project.
All expenses for the selected design and commission are the responsibility of the artist/team, including but not limited to: travel/lodging, fabrication and supplies, installation expenses (as needed: engineering, rigging, equipment rental, etc)
Letter of Interest and clarity of conceptual approach. Evidence of ability to complete projects from prior artwork, and mastery of skills.
Timeline *The timeline must be completed by March 2026.
RFQ Open: Nov 7, 2024
Submission deadline: Jan 6, 2025
Finalists notified: Jan 16, 2025
Information meeting: Feb 4, 2025
Proposal Presentations: March 11-13, 2025
Artwork Installed, by or before: March 2026
Application Requirements
Submit materials on SlideRoom: nebraska.slideroom.com
Visual Support Materials
Image descriptions: Label each uploaded image with title, medium, year, project budget, and any relevant description.
Images: Ten (10) jpg images of completed relevant artworks.
Video: Optional video file may demonstrate moving parts, time-based work, functionality, etc. (mov, wmv, of flv files, no larger than 60MB each, nor longer than five minutes each.)
Required Materials
CV/Resume: Limit to three pages.
Three Professional References: Complete contact information for references with a deep knowledge of artwork and work methods, and for which project they worked with you.
Letter of Interest: Briefly describe how you intend to use the site; describe your artistic style, background, and relevant past completed projects, and how they relate to this project.
Use 500 words or less.
Application Fee: There is no fee to submit for this project.
Meagan Dion, Public Art and Artist Programs Specialist
Nebraska Arts Council, meagan.dion@nebraska.gov