Currently Closed: Mini Grant

This category is currently closed.

Mini Grants are designed to provide quick access to funds supporting a variety of arts projects that use artists or arts activities as a key component.  Examples of project types include exhibitions, performances, poetry readings, commissions and/or support of new work development, arts festivals, community murals, and cultural heritage projects.


Nonprofit organizations incorporated in Nebraska that are federally tax-exempt, public agencies and sub-divisions of governmental agencies.  Organizations may submit up to two Mini Grant applications per fiscal year.

  • Basic Support Grantees with budgets below $1,000,000 may apply but only for unforeseen opportunities that are not part of annual operating programs.
  • Basic Support Grantees with budgets above $1,000,000 may not apply for Mini Grants.
  • Basic Support Grantees must contact NAC staff to request permission to apply in this category.

For more information, check out the Mini Grants Guidelines.

Grant Amounts

$2,000 maximum.  The applicant must have enough cash to match all of the dollars requested.


At least eight weeks prior to the project start date.

Note: Projects that span the summer may have a start date as early as June 1 and an end date as late as August 31.

how to apply

Register in our online grant system.


Contact Rachel Morgan for more information.

Apply Now