Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble (New to 2024)

  • Lincoln, NE
  • Music

Instrumental and Classical

The Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble (NTE) was formed in 2002 and is a unique group featuring five of the top trumpet players in Nebraska.

The members of the NTE are active in the professional music scene and collectively they can be found performing in most of the professional music organizations in the state. Your audience will be entertained by their musicianship and their insightful yet lighthearted introductions to the programed pieces. From the opening fanfare to the rousing John Philip Sousa finale, their performances include a wide variety of music ranging from classical to popular, Dixieland and jazz, and familiar pieces such as “Danny Boy”, “The Theme from the Simpsons” and of course the Leroy Anderson classic “Bugler’s Holiday”.

The Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble is available for student groups of all ages. Types of performances available are a master class, a one-hour mini-concert, or a workshop that involves coaching and performing with school ensembles for an additional cost of $750.

Technical Requirements: Performance space of 20′ x 15′, five music stands, stage lighting and PA system for announcements. Dressing rooms for men & women with restroom facilities.

Virtual Option: Virtual options may be available.

Maximum Negotiable Fee: $3,000

Availability: There are no restrictions at this time.

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