Matt Mason
Matt Mason served as the Nebraska State Poet from 2019-2024 and has run poetry workshops in Botswana, Romania, Nepal, and Belarus for the U.S. State Department. His poetry has appeared in The New York Times and Matt has received a Pushcart Prize as well as fellowships from the Academy of American Poets and the Nebraska Arts Council. His work can be found in Rattle, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, and in hundreds of other publications. Mason’s 5th book, Rock Stars, was published by Button Poetry in 2023.
Brief description – Matt inspires audiences to discover (or rediscover) poetry as something to enjoy. This presentation will include him reading his work, talking about poetry, answering questions and, if you like, time where participants write poems from prompts Matt brings. This program is adjusted for audiences of all ages and needs, he’s done programs and performances in all 93 of Nebraska’s counties to groups ranging from kindergartens to retirement homes.
Workshops – Writing workshops include showing how ALL participants can write a meaningful poem. Matt brings in writing prompts geared toward the audience and breaks down how poetry is an accessible and fun way to tell a story.
Technical Requirements – Microphone and microphone stand preferred. If not available, I can bring one with me.
Maximum Negotiable fee – $1,950
Availability – Currently, no limitations on availability or travel.
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