Kevin Barratt

  • Omaha, NE
  • Theatre

Acting, Stage Combat

Stage Combat, Fight Choreography, Conflict Resolution: Residency activities are structured around a non-violent approach to stage combat. Students gain insight into stage combat as a performance skill while at the same time using dramatic conflict as a springboard for academic study. Emphasis is on physical safety for the performers and audience and also emotional safety and trust of fellow performers. Activities are tailored to all ages and include a wide variety of source material from Shakespeare to Dr. Seuss.

Kevin has been active as an actor, director and fight choreographer for over thirty years and has worked at all local theatres and educational institutions. He as a Bachelor of Science degree from Dana College and a Master of Arts degree in Dramatic Arts from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He is a certified actor/combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors with recommendations in rapier-dagger, unarmed, and broad sword.

George Bernard Shaw said “Meaningful conflict is the soul of drama.” Stage combat can be fun and exciting. It is a safe and healthy way to explore and develop skills of acting, problem solving, and conflict resolution.

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